"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power"- 2 Timothy 1:7

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Woman was created from the rib of man Near his heart to be loved by him, not from his feet to be trampled and stepped upon.

A few days ago I was talking to my soon to be husband over the phone and to make a long story short, he is in Honduras and I am in the united states at this time. He has spent a lot of time and effort trying to return to the united states so we can be together. Before we met I was in a previous relationship that was very abusive both mentally and emotionally. The only good things that came out of that relationship was the fact that I gave birth to three highly intelligent children, I realized that I am extremely self sufficient, and a testimony that I can (one day,) share with the world to educate them about the struggle of the mentally battered woman. Once I left that man and filed for a divorce he stalked me for a few months before he decided to break into my house and literally break my face to the point that the entire right side of my face is titanium. It was around this time that my friend Jon, asked me to allow him to help take care of me and my family because he really was in love with me. ( he would tell me that all of the time when he came over for me to braid his hair. I was his hair braider).
Back to the topic at hand, I asked him why did he still want to be with me after what had happened because I was emotionally damaged, had issues of post traumatic stress disorder, extreme anxiety, and had a face that was half metal and hurt too much for it to be touched (which was hard because every time he wanted to comfort me, his first reaction was to try and stroke my face and I would always flinch. That was hard for him emotionally as well). The words he spoke back to me was as follows:
I love you because you are a beautiful woman spiritually no matter what and just because the first man you married does not know how to treat you doesn’t mean I will do the same.
He then went on to say:
My father taught me this when I was very young about women. He said a woman was created from the rib of man for several reasons. She was not created from his head to top him, that is why the bible says the man should be the head of his household, but she was not created from his feet either so she should not be stepped or trampled on. That is why the bible says you should love her just as you love yourself and never deny her any of her needs. She was created from his side to be a close companion to him, from beneath his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him. That is why the bible tells us to protect our mothers when our fathers cannot, protect our sisters until they are married, and to provide for our wives and to love them the same way or better than we provide and love ourselves. It is in our nature as a real and true man to protect and provide for the woman that God has found us worthy enough to bless us with love in our hearts for her. It is also our duty as men to teach our sons that God has blessed us with to do the same for their mothers, sisters, daughters and wives. We as men must also teach our daughters to accept the same from their husbands and to accept nothing less.
I was not expecting this response from him. I was totally taken aback. It was during that conversation that I realized that he was not the only one who God found worthy enough to bless with my presence as he thought. I too was blessed and it was a gift from God to breathe the same air that he breathes. If I had not went through the trials that I went through with my first husband I would have never moved to the apartment complex I lived in. I would have never taken up braiding hair in order to make ends meet, and I would have never had Jon as a client.
God always provides and with that knowledge I know we will be together again. If we are not reunited as soon as we would like to be, there is a blessing in every lesson and I’m glad I even know him at all.


  1. You said it all in a nut shell.

  2. Everything happens for a good reason. Only time can tell that reason as we look back.
